Equipping professionals with the right craftmanship has far more effect than implementing more processes

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Equipping professionals with the right craftmanship has far more effect than implementing more processes

Yuri Bobbert was recently a guest on the Podcast Change Dynamics. Listen to Episode #9 “Zero Trust requires another way of thinking” where Yuri talks about the book “Leading inDigital Security” and related topics like Cultural Change, Leadership, CISO Archetypes, Craftmanship, Design Science Research, and Zero Trust as a Service. He is the former Group CISO of NN Group & UWV. Through his years of experience as an entrepreneur and manager within companies, he balances between practice and science.

Hosted by Jeroen Gietema and Dion Kotteman, authors of “The Project Saboteur”. The world is changing rapidly in directions that are hard to predict. For organisations to survive, it is crucial to respond in an efficient and effective way to these change dynamics. We are puzzled by the inadequate response of organisations to this challenge.Talking to thought leaders like yourself we will try to get more understanding and share these insights with you.

Listen to the podcast here, on Spotify or ApplePodcast:

