Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity Readiness

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Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity Readiness

This paper deals with how to protect Industrial Control Systems. Publication on An Empirical Study of Effective Cybersecurity Practices for Industrial Control Systems.

How to protect industrial control systems?

Industrial Control systems, (also referred as Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, SCADA) are often deployed in manufacturing processes and in controlling Critical Infrastructure (energy, water, oil and telecommunications). Designed for safety and reliability and capable of recovering from process faults and failures, these systems have been widely used for monitoring and controlling physical processes.

The ICS transformation from proprietary (isolated systems) to open architectures and standard technologies has exposed ICS to significant new threats. Although cybersecurity standards and guidelines have being developed by governments and standards associations, companies and institutions are not deploying Cybersecurity Controls on ICS effectively, leaving business and critical infrastructure at risk, with possible impact on the economy and human lives.  

An article on cybersecurity readiness