New book “Strategic Approaches to Digital Platform Security Assurance” published at IGI Global

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New book “Strategic Approaches to Digital Platform Security Assurance” published at IGI Global

This book offers comprehensive design science research approaches to extensively examine risks in digital platforms and offer pragmatic solutions to these concerns and challenges.

It addresses significant problems when transforming an organization embracing API-based platform models, the use of DevOps teams, and issues in technological architectures. Each section will examine the status quo for business technologies, the current challenges, and core success factors and approaches used.


  • Yuri Bobbert (ON2IT BV, The Netherlands & Antwerp Management School, University of Antwerp, Belgium),
  • Maria Chtepen (BNP Paribas Group, Belgium),
  • Tapan Kumar (Cognizant, The Netherlands),
  • Yves Vanderbeken (DXC, Belgium),
  • and Dennis Verslegers (Orange Cyberdefense, Belgium)